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DigifyVirtual Data Room Software
Digitify is designed with a focus on protecting and detecting sensitive files, giving you control and peace of mind over the confidential documents you share online. It scales up the needs of small businesses to enterprise.Your database is protected by features like rights management, watermarking, file tracking and encryption.
If you have different sets of users, Digify helps you to access different degrees. You can restrict forwarding, revoke access, or make your files private or public. You can also set rules for download, so you can decide which users to save locally or print a secret document.
The platform also provides you with a number of datasheets, which you can configure by plan or contract. Role permissions, security permissions, and invitation protection are available to protect your virtual rooms.
Other key features include file tracking and data, which allow you to receive real-time information, create viewing summaries and share data so that your team can track and file To help them measure
The system is integrated with storage solutions, email clients and numerous mobile production apps.
Prices start from $ 99 for one user and three data rooms.