HighQ Dataroom Virtual Data Room

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HighQ Dataroom Virtual Data Room

Hi-Q Datarom is a virtual data room solution with advanced security and controls for exchanging transaction information with clients, deal teams, and partners outside your organization.

Dataros can be set up within minutes, while information uploading and sharing can be completed within minutes, which is crucial for time-sensitive information.
HighQ Dataroom Virtual Data Room

The platform supports advanced Q&A, detailed reports and auditing, and advanced permissions. As an innovative solution, it supports accessibility through its touch-friendly, mobile responsive design that automatically optimizes based on the size of the device screen you are using. That way, you can access files and data from your mobile phone and collaborate remotely.

Why choose HighQ Dataroom?

Control permissions. Gain control at a granular level of buyers, sellers, and advisors’ access to files, folders, and rooms. DRM for watermarking and disabled printing, saving, and copying (without client-side plugins) help you protect sensitive documents.
Audit trails. Each action and file is audited using various criteria. You also get complete visibility over its full version history as well as the users who accessed it and what actions they performed.

Advanced Q&A. It lets you complete transactions quickly by managing bidder questions and answers with the help of advanced permissions, workflows, and alerts.