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SunGard DX Virtual Data Rooms
Sun Guard DX is a VDR tool for data exchange that automates data capture and reports distribution. It is mostly used by financial institutions to conduct its sensitive, time-sensitive and mission critical processes.An important feature of this includes the transfer of encrypted data between the end user's PCs and web servers to ensure that your data is protected at all times during the migration.
It is also used with businesses that rely on information from businesses. Users can easily navigate around the system's user-friendly interface and layout. You can customize your online experience by setting up alert preferences and handling your own bookmarks and searches. Its Data Exchange Administrator console also does not require technical information to manage your data content.
Why choose SunGard DX?
User entitlements. Documents or document folders can be entitled to specific users such as prospects, investors, and deal teams. You can also restrict the actions each user can perform to leverage security.User-defined watermarks. Watermarking templates can be predefined and applied to folders in the data room to deter viewers from misappropriating the file or document.
Audit report. Know the exact pages that were viewed, printed, and saved as a document by who and when which gives you an accurate tool to track your document’s whereabouts.